Music Creation for the museum "Musée d'Aquitaine"
Création of 16 musicals productions and 40 FXs for the permanent collection of the museum with different periods of history : -...
My song "Unstoppable" used for the trailer of the serie "New York Police Judiciaire" currently broadcast on TMC. #Trailer #LyynkStudio...

TV Synchros
My song "Pursuit of power" used for the trailer of the serie "Flash" currently broadcast on TF1. http://www.wat.tv/video/flash-blackout-7...

TV synchros
The Jenx's song "Burning Pride" used for the trailer of the serie CSI (Les Experts) : Manhattan & Miami currently broadcast on TMC....

TV Synchros
My song "Flight to heaven" used for the TF1 reportage "La dune du Pilat en parachute". http://lci.tf1.fr/jt-we/videos/2015/la-france-vue-...

TV synchros
My song "Into the battle" used for the trailer of the serie "Grimm" currently broadcast on NT1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nazIAxnesH...

New music songs for Kaptain Music.
This month, 10 new productions for the music library Kaptain Music. #kaptainmusic #LyynkStudio #StephaneSchott #newproduction

TV synchros
My song "Consecration" used for the generic of special TV show "40 years of TF1". #TF1 #LyynkStudio #StephaneSchott #TVsynchros

TV synchros
My song "Wait and see" used for the trailer of the serie "Monk" currently broadcast on TMC. http://www.wat.tv/video/monk-bande-annonce-7...

TV synchros
Between July 2014 and December 2014: - About 40 musical productions including "Uncertain decision", "Research", "Knowledge", "Hope"......