Sound Design for ROLAND.
#Roland #LyynkStudio #StephaneSchott

New music songs for Kaptain Music.
This month, 9 new productions for the music library Kaptain Music. #LYYNKstudio #LyynkStudio #kaptainmusic #newproduction #StephaneSchott

> DRIFT , the new Jenx album will be released at the end of the year on the M-Tronic label > Remix album in electro-indus & expérimental...

New music songs for Kaptain Music.
This month, 3 new productions for the music library Kaptain Music. #newproduction #kaptainmusic #StephaneSchott #LyynkStudio

Opening of the LYYNK studio website !
Opening of the LYYNK studio website On this website you will find : > my work environment > my various activities as a composer,...